Thursday, May 12, 2011


"Ywan",I stumbled out of bed slipping into my clothes and waddling out to the lounge, I found Callum playing playstation at 7:00 am. He was playing the most stupendous game in the WORLD!! Crash Team Racing! Callum and I love to play it because it has all our favourite characters like Crash, Coco, Tiny and Riper Roo, now if your wondering who Riper Roo is I'll tell you, he is a crazy blue dog but looks like he's been hypnotised and been told to go nuts! Callum and I are masters at this game and two others Rally and Sonic Riders

This holiday has been the best holiday ever! I hope next time we have a holiday where I can RELAX!

Joel Hayman

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Zealand Sign Language Week

On Monday we had two ladies visit our class. They weren't ordinary ladies, one ladie named Channal couldn't hear properly. Fleur wasn't ordinary either because she was an interpreter and could sign to others who are deaf. This week is an important week because this week is about deaf people and signing. Signing means alot to people who are deaf and maybe not deaf. This week we would really like to see people signing to others or maybe teaching them how to sign. You could greet someone by waving (that means hello.)


By Tayla

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome back to Term 2

Welcome back to another busy term. This term we will be heading out and about looking at some very exciting places. We will be playing winter sports and hopefully getting ready to win the Bhana Cup this year.